Anna De Liddo
Senior Research Fellow
Dr Anna De Liddo is a Senior Research Fellow in Collective Intelligence Infrastructures and leads the Knowledge Media Institute’s IDea Group (http://idea.kmi.open.ac.uk/) which investigates theories methods and tools accounting for the centrality of social interaction and discourse in public engagement, urban informatics, e-democracy and social innovation contexts.
Anna’s research focuses on models of dialogue and argumentation; models of crowdsourcing and participatory representation; and the design, implementation and uptake of online systems that seek to increase collective environmental awareness, and collective capacity to make sense of complex issues, such as social justice and environmental sustainability.
In the past 10 years Anna has lead the design and development of 7 different Collective Intelligence technologies (Cohere, The Evidence Hub, LiteMap, DebateHub, CIdashboard, Democratic Reflection and Democratic Replay), she has given several international invited talks and chaired 8 international workshops on Collective Intelligence and Online Deliberation, hosted at prominent HCI conference venues such as CSCW (2010-2012), CHI2015 and C&T (2013, 2015, 2017).
In 2014 Anna launched the Collective Intelligence for The Common Good Open Research and Action Community Network (ci4cg.org). This places her at the core of research on new Web technologies for Citizen Engagement in Public Deliberation and Collective Intelligence Platforms for Social Innovation. In this context, Anna was PI of the FP7 project CATALYST on Collective Applied Intelligence and Analytics for Social Innovation, which specifically tackled issues of large scale communities’ involvement in social innovation initiatives. Anna was also Co-I of the EDV project (Elections Debate Visualisations), an EPSRC funded project which produced advanced video replays of the televised UK election debates and new technologies to harness audience feedback to political debates, live, at scale and through ubiquitous and interactive technologies (democraticreflection.org).
Most recently, in 2019, Anna was awarded a prestigious individual fellowship from the Global Office of Naval Research of the US (ONR Global) to research and devise the next generation of technological solutions for discussion-enhanced collective decision-making (bcause.kmi.open.ac.uk). ONR is one of the oldest research institutions in the US, that has is specifically targeted to identify and fund cutting-edge science and technology research outside the US.
Collective Intelligence, Discourse and Argumentation, Online Deliberation, Visual Sensemaking, Citizen Engagement, Participatory Urban Planning
De Liddo, Anna, Pedreira Souto, Nieves and Plüss, Brian ,(2021). Let's replay the political debate: Hypervideo technology for visual sensemaking of televised election debates. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 145
Schuler, Douglas, De Liddo, Anna, Smith, Justin and De Cindio, Fiorella ,(2018). Collective intelligence for the common good: cultivating the seeds for an intentional collaborative enterprise. AI & Society, 33(1), pp. 1–13.
Iandoli, Luca, Quinto, Ivana, De Liddo, Anna and Buckingham Shum, Simon ,(2016). On Online Collaboration and Construction of Shared Knowledge: Assessing Mediation Capability in Computer Supported Argument Visualization Tools. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67(5), pp. 1052–1067.
De Liddo, Anna, Plüss, Brian and Wilson, Paul ,(2017). A Novel Method to Gauge Audience Engagement with Televised Election Debates through Instant, Nuanced Feedback Elicitation. In: Communities and Technologies (C&T) 2017, 26-30 Jun 2017, Troyes, France.
Piccolo, Lara S. G., De Liddo, Anna, Burel, Gregoire, Fernández, Miriam and Alani, Harith ,(2018). Collective intelligence for promoting changes in behaviour: a case study on energy conservation. AI & Society, 33(1), pp. 15–25.
De Liddo, Anna, Sándor, Ágnes and Buckingham Shum, Simon ,(2012). Contested Collective Intelligence: rationale, technologies, and a human-machine annotation study. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 21(4-5), pp. 417–448.