Trevor Collins
Senior Research Fellow
My research focuses on the development and use of technology to support learning and discovery. I am particularly interested in inclusive education and fieldwork.
Technology Enhanced Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction, Visualization
Collins, Trevor, Berry, Elizabeth, Davies, Sarah-Jane and Kear, Karen ,(2020). eSTEeM Ten Years of Scholarship and Innovation: Marking the tenth anniversary of the OU Centre for STEM Pedagogy. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Lister, Kate, Pearson, Victoria K., Collins, Trevor D. and Davies, Gareth ,(2021). Evaluating inclusion in distance learning: a survey of university staff attitudes, practices and training needs. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 34(3), pp. 321–339.
Whitmeyer, Steven J., Atchison, Christopher and Collins, Trevor D. ,(2020). Using Mobile Technologies to Enhance Accessibility and Inclusion in Field-Based Learning. GSA Today, 30
Atchison, Chris, Marshall, Anita and Collins, Trevor ,(2019). A multiple case study of inclusive learning communities enabling active participation in geoscience field courses for students with physical disabilities. Journal of Geoscience Education, 67(4), pp. 472–486.