TELL-ME reinvents learning technology for human-centred and service-oriented manufacturing workplaces in small and medium enterprises.
Innovation and technological advances in the manufacturing sector are often led by large, multinational companies � leaving small and medium enterprises (SMEs) struggling to keep pace.
At the same time, more people in manufacturing work in SMEs (about 2/3) than in large enterprises (about 1/3), thus posing a barrier to smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth.
Recognising the EU 2020 strategy, TELL-ME creates more effective means for up- and re-skilling of employees to Europe, targeting less technologically-advanced SMEs in the human-centred, service-oriented manufacturing sector.
With the manufacturing sector accounting for more than 10% of the overall workforce, TELL-ME conducts research to the benefit of a large number of European citizens.
TELL-ME will use novel knowledge media on all levels, including augmented reality glasses for experience capturing, a social business learning platform for collaborating, and business learning analytics for assessing.
TELL-ME is a consortium with ten industrial and four academic partner institutions in eight EU countries.
Law, Effie Lai-Chong, Wild, Fridolin, A multidimensional evaluation framework for personal learning environments
Wild, Fridolin, Scott, Peter, Karjalainen, Jaakko, Helin, Kaj, Lind-Kohvakka, Salla, Naeve, Ambjoern, An augmented reality job performance aid for kinaesthetic learning in manufacturing work places
Megliola, Maurizio, De Vito, Gianluigi, Sanguini, Roberto, Wild, Fridolin, Lefrere, Paul, Creating awareness of kinaesthetic learning using the Experience API: current practices, emerging challenges, possible solutions
Wild, Fridolin, Scott, Peter, Lefrere, Paul, Karjalainen, Jaakko, Helin, Kaj, Naeve, Ambjoern, Isaksson, Erik, Towards data exchange formats for learning experiences in manufacturing workplaces