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The OCML language was designed and implemented by Enrico Motta in the 90s and it has since been used in dozens of projects both within KMi and in other organizations. OCML provides a very expressive knowledge representation language, which makes it possible to represent classes, individuals, relations, functions, rules and constraints. The resulting �knowledge models� are typically developed as part of knowledge management solutions or intelligent decision-making support systems.
OCML also includes mechanisms for defining ontologies and problem solving methods. Ontologies are specifications of reusable terminologies, while problem solving methods are specifications of reusable problem solving behaviours.


Dietze, Stefan, Gugliotta, Alessio, Domingue, John, Mrissa, Michael, Mediation spaces for similarity-based semantic web services selection

Dietze, Stefan, Gugliotta, Alessio, Domingue, John, Yu, Hong Qing, Mrissa, Michael, An automated approach to Semantic Web Services mediation

Lambert, David, Domingue, John, Photorealistic semantic web service groundings: unifying RESTful and XML-RPC groundings using rules, with an application to Flickr

Lambert, David, Benn, Neil, Domingue, John, Integrating heterogeneous web service styles with flexible semantic web services groundings

Yu, Hong Qing, Dietze, Stefan, Benn, Neil, Semantic TV-resources brokering towards future television


Dave Lambert Enrico Motta


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