MUPPLE II is your learning companion in the web. It supports you in learning new best practices from all the others out there - new practices in how to use tools for learning effectively. More precisely, MUPPLE II helps you to trace and replay usage strategies on the web. As a learner, you learn how to work with all the cool new tools on the web without loosing endless hours exploring their \'potential\'. As a more knowledgeable other, you give your fellow peers a guide at hand that brings them up to speed - without you bothering to explain the thing over and over again. MUPPLE II is of course built as a Firefox Jetpack.
In the last years the discussion about electronic learning environments has changed fundamentally. Based on the advancement of personal publishing tools and social software the barriers have been lifted to participate in discussions and to build an individual professional identity on the web.
As a side effect, this has also influenced the discussion about learning environments in technology-enhanced learning. While the improvement of institutional learning management systems was some years ago still the state-of-the art in recent times this discussion has been expanded towards an individual perspective on learning platforms called 'personal learning environments' (PLE).
Technically, this shift has been accompanied by new ('mash-up') technologies that empower end-users to actively build, modify, and maintain their environments.
The research work at the OU's Knowledge Media institute (KMi) on MUPPLE thereby is one of the European epicenters of innovation. Just recently, KMi has been prized by the Mozilla Foundation with a special award for the work on an early prototype.
In project supported from the donation funds of the Open University, key researcher Fridolin Wild teamed up with Marco Kalz from the Open University of the Netherlands and Matthias Palmer from Sweden's Royal Institute of Technology to create a guest lecture series with international experts in the field on this topic.