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Linked USDL

Linked USDL aims to better promote and support the use of the Unified Service Description Language (USDL) on the Web. USDL is a platform-neutral language for describing services consolidated from SAP Research projects. The kinds of services targeted for coverage by USDL include human services (e.g., consultancy), business services (e.g. purchase order requisition), software services (e.g., WSDL and RESTful services), infrastructure services (e.g., CPU and storage services), etc.


García, Jose María, Pedrinaci, Carlos, Resinas, Manuel, Cardoso, Jorge, Fernández, Pablo, Ruiz-Cortés, Antonio, Linked USDL agreement: effectively sharing semantic service level agreements on the Web

Cardoso, Jorge, Pedrinaci, Carlos, Evolution and overview of Linked USDL

Pedrinaci, Carlos, Cardoso, Jorge, Leidig, Torsten, Linked USDL: a vocabulary for web-scale service trading

Cardoso, Jorge, Pedrinaci, Carlos, Leidig, Torsten, Rupino, Paulo, De Leenheer, Pieter, Foundations of open semantic Service Networks


John Domingue Carlos Pedrinaci


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