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Initiated in the relatively early days of the Web (1996), JIME set out to foster a multidisciplinary and intellectually rigorous debate on the theoretical and practical aspects of interactive media in education, through exploiting the interactive properties of the Web for peer review and non-textual material.

Through its innovative use of interactive Internet-based media, JIME served as an action research project which explored the changing face of journals, and more broadly, scholarly practice in the age of digital publishing and communication.

JIME is widely cited as a pioneering example of an 'internet-native' e-journal. The Co-Founders/General Editors were Diana Laurillard, Simon Buckingham Shum and Tamara Sumner. In 2004 editorship passed to OU colleagues Josie Taylor and Patrick McAndrew in the Institute of Educational Technology.

KMi's research into the future of scholarly communication continued with the Scholarly Ontologies project, and then with Cohere. See this 2011 news story to show how this work was one strand in a convergence of work which anticipated the major shifts in scholarly communication now taking place:

The associated document-discourse publishing platform called D3E ( was released open source, and integrated as part of the influential archiving platform, which helped to catalyse the open archiving of scholarly publications by academic institutions. The Open University's Open Research Online (ORO) uses ePrints.

Key research publications on JIME:

Sumner, T. and Buckingham Shum, S. (1998). From Documents to Discourse: Shifting Conceptions of Scholarly Publishing (1998). In Proc. CHI 98: Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM Press: NY.

Sumner, T., Buckingham Shum, S., Wright, M., Bonnardel, N., & Chevalier, A. (2000). Redesigning the Peer Review Process: A Developmental Theory-in-Action. Proc. COOP 2000, Fourth International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems, Sophia Antipolis.

Buckingham Shum, S. and Sumner, T. (2001). JIME: An Interactive Journal for Interactive Media. First Monday, 6, (2), Feb. 2001:
Reprinted in Learned Publishing, Volume 14, Number 4, 1 October 2001 , pp. 273-285(13):

Sumner, Tamara; Buckingham Shum, Simon and Yates, Simeon (2003). Interactive peer review in the Journal of Interactive Media in Education: processes, tools, and techniques for managing persistent discourse. In: Jones, Wayne ed. E-serials: Publishers, Libraries, Users, and Standards (2nd ed.). Haworth Series in Serials and Continuing Resources. Binghamton, NY: The Hawthorn Information Press, pp. 197�216.


Buckingham Shum, Simon, Sumner, Tamara, JIME: An Interactive Journal for Interactive Media

Sumner, Tamara, Buckingham Shum, Simon, Yates, Simeon, Interactive peer review in the Journal of Interactive Media in Education: processes, tools, and techniques for managing persistent discourse


Simon Buckingham Shum Tamara Sumner Simon Buckingham Shum


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