FOSTER aims to support different stakeholders, especially young researchers, in adopting open access in the context of the European Research Area (ERA) and in complying with the open access policies and rules of participation set out for Horizon 2020 (H2020).
FOSTER will establish a European-wide training programme on open access and open data, consolidating training activities at downstream level and reaching diverse disciplinary communities and countries in the ERA.
The training programme will include different approaches and delivery options: elearning, blearning, self-learning, dissemination of training materials/contents, helpdesk, face-to-face training, especially training-the-trainers, summer schools, seminars, etc.
- Support different stakeholders, especially young researchers, in adopting open access in the context of the European Research Area (ERA) and in complying with the open access policies and rules of participation set out for Horizon 2020;
- Integrate open access principles and practice in the current research workflow by targeting the young researcher training environment;
- Strengthen the institutional training capacity to foster compliance with the open access policies of the ERA and Horizon 2020 (beyond the FOSTER project);
- Facilitate the adoption, reinforcement and implementation of open access policies from other European funders, in line with the EC's recommendation.
1 - Identifying already existing contents that can be reused in the context of the training activities and repackaging, reformatting them to be used within FOSTER, and develop/create/ enhance contents if/where they are needed.
2 - Creation of the FOSTER Portal to support e-learning, blended learning, self-learning, dissemination of training materials/contents and Helpdesk.
3 - Delivery of face-to-face training, especially training trainers/multipliers that can carry on further training and dissemination activities, within their institutions, countries and/or disciplinary communities.
Project number: 612425
Start Date: 01/02/2014
Duration: 24 months
Funding from the EC: 1.499.860,00
Pontika, Nancy, Knoth, Petr, Cancellieri, Matteo, Pearce, Samuel, Fostering Open Science to Research using a Taxonomy and an eLearning Portal