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The lack of collective awareness negatively impacts perceived personal efficacy, which hampers efforts to address societal problems. DecarboNet is a multidisciplinary effort to tackle this problem by identifying determinants of collective awareness, translating awareness into behavioural change, and providing novel methods to analyse and visualise the underlying processes.

DecarboNet will research and develop (i) generic tools to co-create knowledge with on-the-fly recommendations of related content from multiple sources; (ii) a cross-platform social media application to provide eco-feedback and engage citizens in games with a purpose; and (iii) methods to measure and predict behavioural change, and to capture collective awareness in a quantitative framework based on diffusion models and resonance patterns in public discourse.

DecarboNet is funded under the FP7 ICT call for Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation - CAPS. CAPS are ICT systems to leverage the crowds and the emerging \\\"network effect\\\" by combining distributed knowledge creation, with data from online social media and from real environments (\\\"Internet of Things\\\") in order to increase engagement and awareness of problems and possible solutions that require collective efforts and novel forms of social innovation.


Piccolo, Lara S. G., Alani, Harith, Strategies and Tools to Raise Energy Awareness Collectively

Piccolo, Lara S., Baranauskas, Cecilia, Azevedo, Rodolfo, A socially inspired energy feedback technology: challenges in a developing scenario

Maciel, Cristiano, Hornung, Heiko H., Piccolo, Lara G. S., Prates, Raquel O., Pereira, Vinicius, Challenge 4. Human Values