PhD Research Student
I am a PhD student exploring the academic peer-reviewing process and the impact of decentralised and distributed technologies on peer-reviewing.
My PhD research project is PeerMiles (, and its demo is accessible at
Ramachandran, Manoharan, Chowdhury, Niaz, Third, Allan, Jan, Zeeshan, Valentine, Chris and Domingue, John ,(2020). A Framework for Handling Internet of Things Data with Confidentiality and Blockchain Support. In: IoT4Safe, in conj. with Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) 2020, 31 May - 1 Jun, Heraklion, Greece.
Jan, Zeeshan, Third, Allan, Bachler, Michelle and Domingue, John ,(2018). Peer-reviews on the blockchain. In: RefResh 2018: 1st Workshop on Reframing Research, 5 Dec 2018, Cologne, Germany.
Jan, Zeeshan ,(2018). Recognition and reward system for peer-reviewers. In: ISWC 2018 Doctoral Consortium, 8-12 Oct 2018, Monterey, CA, USA.