Dr Tony Hirst
Senior Lecturer in Telematics
Blogging academic with an interest in open practice, relevant knowledge and digital skills.
Early adopter and promoter of "emerging technologies" that are the future around us and that might play a role in supporting open learning, including but not limited to virtualised computing environments and reproducible interactive and computational publication workflows and environments.
Advocate of open practice and play based learning, believer in technology enhanced learning but not in the way everyone else seems to define it.
Sharples, Mike, McAndrew, Patrick, Weller, Martin, Ferguson, Rebecca, FitzGerald, Elizabeth, Hirst, Tony and Gaved, Mark ,(2013). Innovating Pedagogy 2013: Open University Innovation Report 2. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Sharples, Mike, McAndrew, Patrick, Weller, Martin, Ferguson, Rebecca, Hirst, Tony, Mor, Yishay, Gaved, Mark and Whitelock, Denise ,(2012). Innovating Pedagogy 2012: Open University Innovation Report 1. The Open University.
Howson, Oliver, Adeliyi, Adeola, Willis, Alistair, Hirst, Tony, Charlton, Patricia, Gooch, Daniel, Rosewell, Jonathan, Richards, Mike, Wermelinger, Michel, Piwek, Paul, Savage, Simon, Lowndes, Charly, Thomas, Elaine and Smith, Andrew ,(2020). Best Practices in using Technological Infrastructures. The Institute of Coding.
Markel, Scott, Nüst, Daniel, Sochat, Vanessa, Marwick, Ben, Eglen, Stephen J., Head, Tim, Hirst, Tony and Evans, Benjamin D. ,(2020). Ten simple rules for writing Dockerfiles for reproducible data science. PLOS Computational Biology, 16(11),
Wong, Patrick, Donelan, Helen and Hirst, Tony ,(2020). Understanding and mitigating students’ difficulties in undertaking complex practical activities on their computers. In: 9th eSTEeM Annual Conference, 29-30 Apr 2020, Milton Keynes, England.
Willis, Alistair, Charlton, Patricia and Hirst, Tony ,(2020). Developing Students' Written Communication Skills with Jupyter Notebooks. In: Technical Symposium of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), 11-14 Mar 2020, Portland, OR, USA.
Hall, Alan Geoffrey, Wermelinger, Michel, Hirst, Tony and Phithakkitnukoon, Santi ,(2018). Wide, long, or nested data? Reconciling the machine and human viewpoints. In: Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group (PPIG), 5-7 Sep 2018, London.
Hall, Alan Geoffrey, Wermelinger, Michel, Hirst, Tony and Phithakkitnukoon, Santi ,(2017). Structuring Spreadsheets with the “Lish” Data Model. In: European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group Conference 2017, 06 Jul 2017, London.
Latif-Shabgahi, G. and Hirst, A. J. ,(2005). A fuzzy voting scheme for hardware and software fault tolerant systems. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 150(3), pp. 579–598.