Paul Warren

Visiting Research Fellow

I am interested in using insights from cognitive psychology to understand how people make sense of information. My Ph.D. thesis looked at Description Logics, a class of languages used to create ontologies. Specifically, I investigated a particular Description Logic syntax called Manchester OWL Syntax. My current research interest, in collaboration with Dr Paul Mulholland, is in how people query and make sense of Linked Data.


linked data, SPARQL, ontologies, description logics


Warren, Paul, Mulholland, Paul, Daga, Enrico and Asprino, Luigi ,(2024). Path-based and triplification approaches to mapping data into RDF: User behaviours and recommendations. Semantic Web (Early access).

Mulholland, Paul, Stoneman, Adam, Barker, Naomi, Maguire, Mark, Carvalho, Jason, Daga, Enrico and Warren, Paul ,(2023). The Sound of Paintings: Using Citizen Curation to Explore the Cross-Modal Personalization of Museum Experiences. In: Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH) at UMAP ’23, 26 Jun 2023, Limassol, Cyprus.

Warren, Paul and Mulholland, Paul ,(2022). Edge-labelled graphs and property graphs - to the user, more similar than different. In: KGSWC 2022: Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web. 4th Iberoamerican Conference and third Indo-American Conference, 21-23 Nov 2022, Madrid, Spain.

Warren, P. and Mulholland, P. ,(2022). Edge-Labelled Graphs and Property Graphs - To the User, More Similar Than Different. In: KGSWC 2022: Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web. 4th Iberoamerican Conference and third Indo-American Conference, 21-23 Nov 2022, Madrid, Spain.

Warren, Paul and Mulholland, Paul ,(2020). A comparison of the cognitive difficulties posed by SPARQL query constructs. In: 22nd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2020), 16-20 Sep 2020, Bolzano (Italy) (Online).

Warren, Paul and Mulholland, Paul ,(2018). Using SPARQL – the practitioners’ viewpoint. In: 21st International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2018), 12-16 Nov 2018, Nancy, France.

Warren, Paul, Mulholland, Paul, Collins, Trevor and Motta, Enrico ,(2019). Improving comprehension of Knowledge Representation languages: a case study with Description Logics. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 122 pp. 145–167.

Warren, Paul ,(2017). Human Reasoning and Description Logics: Applying Psychological Theory to Understand and Improve the Usability of Description Logics. [Thesis]

Warren, Paul, Mulholland, Paul, Collins, Trevor and Motta, Enrico ,(2017). Using Insights from Psychology and Language to Improve How People Reason with Description Logics. In: ESWC 2017, 28 May - 1 Jun 2017, Portorož, Slovenia.

Warren, Paul, Mulholland, Paul, Collins, Trevor and Motta, Enrico ,(2015). Making sense of description logics. In: 11th International Conference on Semantic Systems (Semantics 2015), 16-17 Sep 2015, Vienna.