Dr Niaz Chowdhury
Research Associate
I'm a researcher primarily working with various aspects of blockchain technology. I have diverse, yet well-connected research experiences gathered from three nations in the British and Irish Isles: Ireland, Scotland and England. I presently hold a Research Associate position in the Open Blockchain group at the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) of the Open University where I investigate the problems of blockchain learning verifications as well use-cases that can be fit into this new and innovative technology. Beside blockchain, I also have a keen interest in Wireless Networks, Internet of Things (IoT), Privacy & Trust and Data Science. Prior to my current position, I completed two other postdocs, one at the KMi and the other in the Department of Computing and Communication in the same university where I worked in the Strategic Data Science project and smart city project MK-Smart respectively.
I obtained my PhD from the School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, as a recipient of the Scottish ORS Scholarship in conjunction with the Glasgow University College of Science and Engineering Scholarship. I was also a research scholar at the School of Computer Science in Trinity College Dublin where I received Govt. of Ireland IRCSET Embark Initiative Scholarship. My earlier background is in Computer Science and Engineering at East West University, Bangladesh where I pursued a bachelor and a masters degree with Gold Medal distinction.
Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Privacy-by-design
Chowdhury, Mohammad Jabed Morshed, Ferdous, Md Sadek, Biswas, Kamanashis, Chowdhury, Niaz and Muthukkumarasamy, Vallipuram ,(2020). COVID-19 Contact Tracing: Challenges and Future Directions. IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions, 8 pp. 225703–225729.
Chowdhury, Mohammad Jabed M., Usman, Muhammad, Ferdous, Md Sadek, Chowdhury, Niaz, Harun, Anam Ibna, Jannat, Umme Sumaya and Biswas, Kamanashis ,(2022). A Cross-Layer Trust-based Consensus Protocol for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Using Fuzzy Logic. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(16), pp. 14779–14789.
Mikroyannidis, Alexander, Third, Allan, Chowdhury, Niaz, Bachler, Michelle and Domingue, John ,(2020). Supporting Lifelong Learning with Smart Blockchain Badges. International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, 13(3 & 4), pp. 163–176.
Eisenstadt, Marc, Ramachandran, Manoharan, Chowdhury, Niaz, Third, Allan and Domingue, John ,(2020). COVID-19 Antibody Test/Vaccination Certification There’s an app for that. IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 1 pp. 148–155.
Ramachandran, Manoharan, Chowdhury, Niaz, Third, Allan, Jan, Zeeshan, Valentine, Chris and Domingue, John ,(2020). A Framework for Handling Internet of Things Data with Confidentiality and Blockchain Support. In: IoT4Safe, in conj. with Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) 2020, 31 May - 1 Jun, Heraklion, Greece.
Ramachandran, Manoharan, Chowdhury, Niaz, Third, Allan, Domingue, John, Quick, Kevin and Bachler, Michelle ,(2020). Towards Complete Decentralised Verification of Data with Confidentiality: Different ways to connect Solid Pods and Blockchain. In: A Decentralised Web Workshop, 20-24 Apr 2020, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chowdhury, Niaz, Ramachandran, Manoharan, Third, Allan, Mikroyannidis, Alexander, Bachler, Michelle and Domingue, John ,(2020). Towards A Blockchain-based Decentralised Educational Landscape. In: The Twelfth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (eLmL 2020), 21-25 Nov 2020, Valencia, Spain.
Chowdhury, Mohammad Jabed Morshed, Ferdous, Md. Sadek, Biswas, Kamanashis, Chowdhury, Niaz, Kayes, A. S. M., Alazab, Mamoun and Paul, Watters ,(2019). A Comparative Analysis of Distributed Ledger Technology Platforms. IEEE Access, 7 pp. 167930–167943.
Ferdous, Md Sadek, Chowdhury, Mohammad Jabed Morshed, Biswas, Kamanashis, Chowdhury, Niaz and Muthukkumarasamy, Vallipuram ,(2020). Immutable Autobiography of Smart Cars Leveraging Blockchain Technology. Knowledge Engineering Review, 35
Khatun, Mirza Akhi, Chowdhury, Niaz and Uddin, Mohammed Nasir ,(2019). Malicious Nodes Detection based on Artificial Neural Network in IoT Environments. In: 22nd International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), Dec 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh.