Martin Hlosta

Research Fellow

In KMi, I work as a Research Fellow, I am a project leader of OUAnalyse ( The project is focused on improving student retention at Open University using machine learning techniques. I am exploring how to best use OUAnalyse to teachers (Associate Lecturers) in order to better use data and analytics for improving student outcomes. Moreover, I am responsible for design and the development of the Curriculum Analytics Tool (CAT) - the tool has been deployed in 2017 to help in the curriculum review. It is expected to facilitate data-informed decisions on the curriculum and finance planning in the future.


OU Analyse Project, Machine Learning, CAT (Curriculum Analytics Tool)


Bonnin, Geoffray

Herodotou, Christothea

Hlosta, Martin

Bonnin, Geoffray, Dessì, Danilo, Fenu, Gianni, Hlosta, Martin

Herodotou, Christothea

Rets, Irina

Hlosta, Martin

Bayer, Vaclav

Hlosta, Martin

Herodotou, Christothea