Dr Manoharan Ramachandran
Research Associate, KMi
Dr Manoharan Ramachandran is a Research Associate and a mobile application developer at the Open University. He obtained his undergraduate degree and a postgraduate degree in Computer Science (2013, 2015) from Anna University, India. Manoharan received his PhD in Intelligent Transportation Safety from Bournemouth University in 2018 under the supervision of Professor Reza Sahandi, Dr Simant Prakoonwit and Dr Wajid Khan. After completing his PhD, Manoharan joined the Open University as a Research Associate in 2018. His current research focuses on how Blockchain can be used to store lifelong learning records of students and to create an industry-standard accreditation tool for learners in the UK. His research is funded by the Institute of Coding, which is the UK's initiative to increase graduate computing skills and employability.
Manoharan has also developed several award-winning mobile applications in the field of transportation safety. Particularly for his work on drowsy driver alert mobile application, he has received the Qualcomm developer of the month award in the year 2016 (Qualcomm is the primary manufacturer of Android mobile phone processors). Manoharan developed the COVID-19 antibody test/vaccination certification mobile application prototype on top of iOS/Android platform along with his colleagues at the Open University. He also runs Tamil-language Blockchain news and tutorial Youtube channel with 38,000+ subscribers mainly focusing on the Tamil speaking people around the world.
Blockchain, Linked Data, IoT, Mobile Apps
Eisenstadt, Marc, Ramachandran, Manoharan, Chowdhury, Niaz, Third, Allan and Domingue, John ,(2020). COVID-19 Antibody Test/Vaccination Certification There’s an app for that. IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 1 pp. 148–155.
Ramachandran, Manoharan, Chowdhury, Niaz, Third, Allan, Jan, Zeeshan, Valentine, Chris and Domingue, John ,(2020). A Framework for Handling Internet of Things Data with Confidentiality and Blockchain Support. In: IoT4Safe, in conj. with Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) 2020, 31 May - 1 Jun, Heraklion, Greece.
Ramachandran, Manoharan, Chowdhury, Niaz, Third, Allan, Domingue, John, Quick, Kevin and Bachler, Michelle ,(2020). Towards Complete Decentralised Verification of Data with Confidentiality: Different ways to connect Solid Pods and Blockchain. In: A Decentralised Web Workshop, 20-24 Apr 2020, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chowdhury, Niaz, Ramachandran, Manoharan, Third, Allan, Mikroyannidis, Alexander, Bachler, Michelle and Domingue, John ,(2020). Towards A Blockchain-based Decentralised Educational Landscape. In: The Twelfth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (eLmL 2020), 21-25 Nov 2020, Valencia, Spain.
COVID-19 ResearchThemes
Artificial Intelligence and Data AnalysisLearning and Multimedia TechnologiesSoftware Engineering and DesignTopics
Health and Wellbeing
Learning and Education
Urban and Smart living (incl Robotics)