Dr Dhouha Kbaier
Senior Lecturer in Computing & Communications
Dr Dhouha Kbaier has joined the Open University in September 2020 as a Senior Lecturer in Computing & Communications. She has worked as a technical consultant in Communications and Networking for QA Ltd. She worked before as a Senior Lecturer in Computer Networking at the University of Wolverhampton where she was an active research member of the Wolverhampton Cyber Research Institute (WCRI). She received from Telecom Bretagne (Brest, France) both her PhD in 2011 with the highest honours and her Master of Engineering degree in 2008. She was specialised in Space Communications Systems in the French “Grande École” ISAE in Toulouse, heart of the European Aerospace Industry. Prior to working at the University of Wolverhampton, she was holding a position at the University of Bedfordshire as a Lecturer in Telecommunications and Network Engineering since 2016. She also had an exciting academic experience at the University of Exeter from 2017 to 2019 as an Associate Lecturer within the Digital Technology Infrastructure Apprenticeship. Before moving to the UK, she worked for several years as a post-doctoral research fellow first at Telecom Bretagne, then with Thales Airborne Systems and finally at IFREMER. Thanks to her multi-disciplinarily and her diverse research background, Dr Kbaier was awarded in 2012 as well as in 2016 the French qualifications "Maître de conférences" in different fields. She is Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and an Engineering Professors’ Council (EPC) member. Her research was particularly awarded by several productivity bonuses and two (IEEE and Spring) best paper awards.
Research interests
Dr Dhouha Kbaier is part of the NeXt Generation Multimedia and network Technologies (XGMT) research group that undertakes high-quality research into various aspects of these exciting and evolving technologies. Her research interests include signal processing applied to telecommunications and oceanography, channel coding, digital communications and information theory, error correction in VANET environments, etc. Several publications and full texts are available in her ResearchGate.
Current teaching commitments:
TM112 - Introduction to computing and information technology 2
TM355- Communications technology
Kbaier, Dhouha, Lockett, Helen, Kear, Karen, Long, Steve and Sykes, Peter ,(2024). Real-time support in online STEM laboratories: Fostering engagement and inclusivity. In: i-HE2024: Innovating Higher Education Conference 2024, 23-25 Oct 2024, The Open University of Cyprus, Limassol, Cyprus.
Luby, Anthony, Kbaier, Dhouha and Brandon, Mark ,(2024). Arctic sea temperature data: Comparative decomposition analysis with EEMD, CEEMDAN & VMD. In: OCEANS 2024 - Singapore, 15-18 Apr 2024, Singapore, Singapore.
Kbaier, Dhouha, Kenny, Ian, McJury, Mark and Fairchild, Richard ,(2024). Charting the Path to Stronger and More Stable International Environmental Agreements: Insights from Mathematical Modelling and Game Theory. In: IEEE/MTS OCEANS 2024, 14-18 Apr 2024, Singapore.
Kbaier, Dhouha ,(2024). Climate Data Security: Protecting Our Planet with Data Science, Time Series Analysis, and Cybersecurity. In: CyberScotland Week, 26 Feb - 03 Mar 2024, Across Scotland.
Kbaier, Dhouha, Kane, Annemarie, McJury, Mark and Kenny, Ian ,(2024). Prevalence of Health Misinformation on Social Media—Challenges and Mitigation Before, During, and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic: Scoping Literature Review. J Med Internet Res, 26(e38786),
Sides, Teresa and Kbaier, Dhouha ,(2024). Investigating How the Use of Technology Can Reduce Missed Appointments: Quantitative Case Study at a General Practitioner Surgery. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26
Kbaier, Dhouha and Kenny, Ian ,(2024). Exploring the Nexus: Public Attitudes towards Climate Change and their Impact on International Environmental Agreement Compliance. In: Glasgow Science Festival, 1 Jun 2024, Glasgow.
Kenny, Ian and Kbaier, Dhouha ,(2024). Adaptive Machine Learning: Pioneering Climate Modelling for a Sustainable Future. Climate Perspectives, Winter 2023/24.
Kbaier, Dhouha, Lockett, Helen and Kear, Karen ,(2024). Lab-Assist: Enhancing STEM education through online laboratories with real-time support. European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Kbaier, Dhouha and Mason, Andrew ,(2024). Enhancing online STEM education through data-driven learning support and AI intervention. In: HE Teaching Development Conference 2024, 04 Jun 2024, Royal Holloway, University of London.