Damian Dadswell

Web Application Developer

I have been with KMi since May 2000, when I joined as a work experience student and then got involved in the CLUTCH project.

I now work as a lead developer, where I build and maintain KMi's Internet, Intranet and European project websites

My job requires me to use the following web development concepts:

- Interpret graphic visual or interaction designs into HTML, CSS and Javascript.
- Create visually appealing web pages and interfaces.
- Create, edit or modify templates for a CMS or build bespoke web development projects.
- Program interaction with JavaScript and/or a library such as jQuery.
- Program for cross-browser, cross-platform, and cross-device compatibility.


Pixel Perfect HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, PHP, ColdFusion, WordPress, Drupal, MediaWiki, User Experience Design, User Interface Design, Photoshop, Event Handling,


Ansine, Janice, Dodd, Michael, Valentine, Chris, RĂ¼ger, Stefan, Siddharthan, Advaith and Dadswell, Damian ,(2023). iSpot & AI: Integrating FASTCAT-Cloud and PI@ntNET-API in the Cos4Cloud framework. In: Computers and Learning Research Group (CALRG) Conference 2023, 27-30 Jun 2023, Online.


Architectures for scripted media objectsCLUTCH - Millennium AwardsElection Debate VisualizationEngageIERESTInstitute of CodingKICSMK:SmartOU Go


Artificial Intelligence and Data AnalysisHuman-Centred ComputingLearning and Multimedia TechnologiesSoftware Engineering and Design


Accessibility, Inclusion, Ethics and Social Justice and Diversity

Arts and Entertainment, Culture (incl Digital Humanities)

Citizen Empowerment, Politics and Government

Environment and Sustainability

Health and Wellbeing

Learning and Education

New Media and Society

Professional Practice

Science and scholarly communication

Security and Policing, Forensics and Privacy

Urban and Smart living (incl Robotics)


Blockchain, Decentralised Knowledge and Learning (BDKL)Citizen Science and Artificial Intelligence (CSAI)Intelligent Deliberation (IDea)Intelligent Systems and Data Science (ISDS)

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