Professor Clem Herman

Professor of Gender and Technology

Open University's Athena SWAN champion and chair of university Gender Equality Steering Group. Past roles include Director of eSTEeM and Academic Lead for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. As part of the School of Computing and Communications I work on projects to research and increase the participation of women in IT including leading the Open University's widening participation work with the Institute of Coding.


Tompkins, Zoe, Herman, Clem and Ramage, Magnus ,(2024). Perspectives of Distance Learning Students on How to Transform Their Computing Curriculum: “Is There Anything to Be Decolonised?". Education Sciences, 14(2),

Herman, Clem, Kendall-Nicholas, Jane and Sadler, Wendy ,(2023). People like me—Encouraging girls to see themselves in STEM careers. In: WOMEN IN PHYSICS: 7th IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics, 11-16 Jul 2021, Online.

Herman, Clem ,(2021). Women in Computing Higher Education: Students, Educators and Researchers. In: Arnold, Gillian; Dee, Hannah; Herman, Clem; Moore, Sharon; Palmer, Andrea and Shah, Shilpa eds. Women in Tech: A practical guide to increasing gender diversity and inclusion. Swindon: BCS Publications, pp. 48–68.

Donelan, Helen, Herman, Clem, Hughes, Janet, Jefferis, Helen and Thomas, Elaine ,(2019). Career change or career progression? Motivations of women studying computing as adult learners. International Journal of Gender Science and Technology, 11(3), pp. 466–489.

Herman, Clem and Butler, Diane ,(2019). [Editorial] Innovations in STEM distance education. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 34(1), pp. 1–5.

Herman, Clem, Donelan, Helen, Jefferis, Helen and Hughes, Janet ,(2018). Entering STEM in later life: examining the motivations of adult women studying computing. In: 4th Biennial Network Gender and STEM Conference: Reimagining Who Does STEM and Why, 31 Jul - 2 Aug 2018, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA.

Herman, Clem, Kendall-Nicholas, Jane and Sadler, Wendy ,(2018). People Like Me Evaluation Report. The WISE Campaign, Leeds.

Herman, Clem, Gracia, Rosaria, MacNiven, Lesley, Clark, Bernie and Doyle, Geraldine ,(2019). Using a Blended Learning Approach to support Women returning to STEM. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 34(1), pp. 40–60.

Herman, Clem and Kirkup, Gill ,(2018). Combining feminist pedagogy and transactional distance to create gender-sensitive technology-enhanced learning. In: Aneja, Anu ed. Gender and Distance Education: Indian and International Contexts. Routledge India, pp. 10–29.

Sondhi, Gunjan, Raghuram, Parvati, Herman, Clem and Ruiz-Ben, Esther ,(2019). Skilled Migration and IT Sector: A Gendered Analysis. In: Rajan, S. Irudaya ed. India Migration Report 2018: Migrants in Europe. New Delhi: Routledge.


Accessibility, Inclusion, Ethics and Social Justice and Diversity

Learning and Education


Critical Information Studies (CIS)Technology and Education Research Group (TERG)

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