Arosha Bandara
Professor of Software Engineering
My research addresses the practical problems associated with building and maintaining self-managing (adaptive) systems by combining rigorous formal techniques with concrete implementations and applications of those techniques. I completed my PhD at Imperial College London, UK in 2005, prior to which I worked as a senior software engineer at Sapient Corporation, USA.
During my career I have published over 80 peer-reviewed papers which include 4 that won Best Paper awards. My teaching spans across undergraduate and postgraduate curricula, specialising in software engineering and cyber security. I am also an investigator on externally funded research projects (totalling >£6M) and was a member of the team that won the IET Innovation Award in Cyber Security (in 2017).
Mehta, Vikram, Gooch, Daniel, Bandara, Arosha, Price, Blaine and Nuseibeh, Bashar ,(2021). Privacy Care: A Tangible Interaction Framework for Privacy Management. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology
Perera, Charith, Barhamgi, Mahmoud, Bandara, Arosha, Ajmal, Muhammed, Price, Blaine and Nuseibeh, Bashar ,(2020). Designing Privacy-aware Internet of Things Applications. Information Sciences, 512 pp. 238–257.
Lopez, Tamara, Tun, Thein, Bandara, Arosha, Levine, Mark, Nuseibeh, Bashar and Sharp, Helen ,(2019). An Anatomy of Security Conversations in Stack Overflow. In: 41st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, 25 May - 1 Jun 2019, Montréal, Canada.
Mehta, Vikram, Bandara, Arosha, Price, Blaine and Nuseibeh, Bashar ,(2016). Privacy Itch and Scratch: On Body Privacy Warnings and Controls. In: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 7-12 May 2016, San Jose, CA.
Yang, Mu, Yu, Yijun, Bandara, Arosha and Nuseibeh, Bashar ,(2014). Adaptive sharing for online social networks: a trade-off between privacy risk and social benefit. In: 13th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-14), 24-26 Sep 2014, Beijing, China.