Software Engineering and DesignTopics
Accessibility, Inclusion, Ethics and Social Justice and Diversity
We will do all we can to make sure that the relationship that you have with The Open University is a positive one.
We will do all we can to treat you as an individual, whether you are contacting to give us some good news or to raise a problem. Please also be assured that we will not share, sell or give your details to anyone.
Staff Tutor in Cyber Security
I am starting research into helping people with vulnerabilites such as visual impairment stay secure.
Zisman, Andrea, Katz, Dmitri, Bennasar, Mohamed, Alrimawi, Faeq, Price, Blaine and Johnston, Anthony ,(2024). Towards Adaptive Multi-modal Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Children with CP. In: Computers Helping People with Special Needs. 19th International Conference, ICCHP 2024, 8-12 Jul 2024, Linz, Austria.
Accessibility, Inclusion, Ethics and Social Justice and Diversity