Michelle Bachler
Research & Innovation Software Manager
I manage a team of software developers working on research and innovation projects throughout STEM. I have myself primarily coded on collective intelligence, knowledge mapping, and blockchain technologies.
Java, Php, HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML, MySQL, nodejs, Ethereum, Solidity, RDF
Mikroyannidis, Alexander, Third, Allan, Chowdhury, Niaz, Bachler, Michelle and Domingue, John ,(2020). Supporting Lifelong Learning with Smart Blockchain Badges. International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, 13(3 & 4), pp. 163–176.
Ramachandran, Manoharan, Chowdhury, Niaz, Third, Allan, Domingue, John, Quick, Kevin and Bachler, Michelle ,(2020). Towards Complete Decentralised Verification of Data with Confidentiality: Different ways to connect Solid Pods and Blockchain. In: A Decentralised Web Workshop, 20-24 Apr 2020, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chowdhury, Niaz, Ramachandran, Manoharan, Third, Allan, Mikroyannidis, Alexander, Bachler, Michelle and Domingue, John ,(2020). Towards A Blockchain-based Decentralised Educational Landscape. In: The Twelfth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (eLmL 2020), 21-25 Nov 2020, Valencia, Spain.
Mikroyannidis, Alexander, Third, Allan, Domingue, John, Bachler, Michelle and Quick, Kevin ,(2020). Blockchain Applications in Lifelong Learning and the Role of the Semantic Blockchain. In: Sharma, Ramesh Chander; Yildirim, Hakan and Kurubacak, Gulsun eds. Blockchain Technology Applications in Education. IGI Global, pp. 16–41.
Jan, Zeeshan, Third, Allan, Bachler, Michelle and Domingue, John ,(2018). Peer-reviews on the blockchain. In: RefResh 2018: 1st Workshop on Reframing Research, 5 Dec 2018, Cologne, Germany.
Ullmann, Thomas Daniel, and ,(2019). A Visualisation Dashboard for Contested Collective Intelligence. Learning Analytics to Improve Sensemaking of Group Discussion. RIED: Revista Iboeroamericana de Educación a Distancia (The Ibero-American Journal of Digital Education), 22(1), pp. 41–80.
Mikroyannidis, Alexander, Domingue, John, Bachler, Michelle and Quick, Kevin ,(2018). Smart Blockchain Badges for Data Science Education. In: IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 3-6 Oct 2018, San Jose, California, USA.
Mikroyannidis, Alexander, Domingue, John, Bachler, Michelle and Quick, Kevin ,(2018). A Learner-Centred Approach for Lifelong Learning Powered by the Blockchain. In: EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, 25-29 Jun 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Jan, Zeeshan, Third, Allan, Ibanez, Luis-Daniel, Bachler, Michelle, Simperl, Elena and Domingue, John ,(2018). ScienceMiles: Digital Currency for Researchers. In: International World Wide Web Conference, 23-27 Apr 2018, Lyon, France.
Ullmann, Thomas, De Liddo, Anna and Bachler, Michelle ,(2014). Collective Intelligence Analytics Dashboard Usability Evaluation. CATALYST Project.